I'm Leaving Again! | Camp America

Monday, 27 June 2016

I have been planning my gap year for well over two years and three things were always certain: 
I wanted to go to Australia  ✔️
I didn't want to spend much time at home  ✔️ 
and I wanted to work with Camp America  ✔️

Now the time has come to head off to America! I will be spending the next two months in the glorious state of California working up on a Girls Scout Camp in the mountains near Big Bear!

10 Photos That Will Make You Want To Travel New Zealand

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Hukka Falls
New Zealand with its awe-inspiring natural beauty and the vastly different landscapes of the North and South Islands, how can you not want to travel it?

I had the privilege of travelling this beautiful country in Janurary/February and these are my favourite  landscape photos from my time there. If at least one of them doesn't make you want to go there then I don't know what will!

Being A Solo Female Traveller At Eighteen

Sunday, 5 June 2016

In January I hopped on a plane to the other side of the world for four months. All on my own.

When I was away I did meet a lot of people who were older than me that said "oh I couldn't do what you're doing when I was eighteen" and a lot of people saying "you're so brave" but for me I was always going to go travelling before I went to University so I couldn't always understand what they were talking about. And I also met plenty of people my own age - some in pairs, some solo - that had the same mindset so we clicked instantly, which is a pretty cool feeling.

So this post is my experience of being solo, a girl and only eighteen on the other side of the globe.