Review | COLAB Dry Shampoo

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Dry shampoo is an important product for me, especially before work as I start early on a Saturday morning and I don't have time to shower and everything before hand. Also, as I have quite light blonde hair as soon as it gets at all greasy I think it's really obvious so dry shampoo is the holy grail for me!

Music Monday #6

Monday, 9 March 2015

Hi there!

So it's the time of year again when I have to start revising for exams and I definitely need good music to get me through it!

It's strange to think that this will be the last set of exams I'll ever have to take as I'm taking a gap year and then my course at Uni doesn't have any exams!

1) Sinner by Jeremy Loops

This man I found through Ben Brown on YouTube but I am so in awe with his music, it's so unique with all the harmonica!

February Favourites 2015!

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Hi guys!

How is it that we're already in March?! I mean what is going on? This year is flying by!
As it's the new month I am going to do my February Favourites!