How is it that we're already in March?! I mean what is going on? This year is flying by!
As it's the new month I am going to do my February Favourites!
So, first up the one product I could not have lived without this month was this Body Shop Lip Balm. I think that it has to be one of the best I've used as it's so moisturising and makes my lips look full and lovely!
I have it in the flavour watermelon.
I got this beautifully bottle Marc Jacobs perfume for Christmas called Daisy Dream. I've seen it quite a bit around the blogosphere so I'm sure plenty of you know how uh-mazing it smells! This was definitely this month's scent from my perfume collection.
Something my skin couldn't have lived without this month is this Simple Moisturiser with all the changing in the weather my skin starts to go a bit haywire but this wonderful product keeps it under control and feeling silky soft.
For Valentine's Day, I went and visited my boyfriend at Uni in Cardiff but of course the weather was not kind to us! I had on my slightly worn out Chelsea Boots but by the time we were home from the most wonderful meal at The Potted Pig (anybody who goes to Cardiff needs to try this food!) they were ruined - that's what I get for cheapies from eBay! The next day I desperately searched the St David's Centre and found these beauties in H&M for £19.99
I also found this gem in the New Look sale reduced to £15 from £40! It has an asymmetrical zip fastening and a huge hood as well as nice big pockets for when you don't want to carry a bag around!
(P.S. excuse the messy bedroom and Lady and the Tramp laying in the background)
I know lent has started but there was no way I was going to give up anything major like chocolate. So this year I am giving up crisps and in an attempt to eat healthier I have been eating more fruit. And Pineapple is the one for me! I could eat bucket loads of this and would still eat more!
These aren't a new edition to my room but this month I finally planted these little fellas into their pots which I repainted myself to match my room. I like to have plants in my room and cacti are low maintenance so they're the best for me! Yes, I am aware that I have named plants.
Also this was a big month for me as my parents got me a Canon s120 as an early 18th Birthday present! This is for me to primarily make short films for my course and to take travelling next year but also to take the photos for the blog so I cans top stealing my brothers!
And Lastly my song of this month has been Only Love Can Hurt Like This by Paloma Faith!
I hope everyone had a nice month, if you have a favourites post leave a link below and I will check definitely check it out!
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