Five Must Have Apps For Travelling

Sunday 15 May 2016

Modern travelling means that pretty much all of us rely on technology and apps to get around and help us survive, whether it's checking in online or editing photos, these are the five apps I found I used the most whilst I was away and I'm sure will be using countless more times in the future!

Currency Converter
Kind of an obvious one but I've also met a lot of travellers without one! A currency converter is an obvious must for someone who will be globe trotting through different countries and currencies!

This is a one stop shop for finding accommodation almost anywhere! You simply type in where and when you want to go somewhere and how many people and it'll show all the available properties! However if you're looking for a specific hostel in say Queenstown, New Zealand and it's not coming up on Hostelworld always ring the hostel direct to make sure they haven't had any cancellations!!
They also have a really cool Facebook page full of travel like stuff that I love!

1 Second Everyday
What a gem. I got introduced to in New Zealand by Becca and for a film student is one of the quickest and easiest ways to document your travels! Believe me when I say that one second of video will help you remember pretty much everything you did on that day!

Camera Connect
I have a canon camera that acts as a wifi hotspot so this app is how I can transfer photos from my camera to my phone without the need of a computer (as I didn't take one). It's been super helpful if I've wanted to upload better quality photos to social media and so on!

Online banking
Again maybe obvious for some but it's so important to know how much you are spending. Even though I took Thomas Cook cash cards which I had to top up online, having my banking records for my home debit card was really helpful when I need to top up my cash card - make sure I'd been paid etc.

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