and so the adventure begins...

Saturday 16 January 2016

Today is the day that I set off travelling, on my own, for One Hundred and Three Days.

I'm so excited and nervous and scared all at the same time that I can't work out what to do with myself. I'm packed and hopefully I've remembered all the important things because remembering everything would be a miracle!

I've probably just go to the airport at the moment - oh the joys of scheduling!

I literally can't explain why I wanted to go travelling, it was more of a need than a want. It's something that I've been planning for a couple of years and, after my brother traveled Asia last year, it's just been a definite.

Why am I going on my own? Because I can and I am.

I've always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand because the landscapes are just incredible as well as there being amazing activity opportunities and the fact they're on the other side of the world! But the rest of my route is based on recommendations from friends that went travelling themselves so Bali, Singapore and Thailand were late additions.

Whilst planning where I would go I found Instagram was a really helpful tool as you can type in/click on locations and see other people's images of that location to see what it's really like. I also used the travel company STA and their travel guides as you can often get offers and deals on tours and transportation. The guy that I booked with was so helpful and knowledgeable about where to go and what to see.

Another platform that has helped me is blogs such as World of Wanderlust and The Blonde Abroad. These girls cover everything and anything to do with travel including how to overcome fears and helpful travel apps, not just pretty locations!

So if you want to go travelling and don't know how to get started I can whole heartedly recommend these platforms: Social Media, Blogs and STA.

I'll see you all soon and hopefully get a blog or two up whilst I'm over there!

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